SQL Injection in ASP.NET
I, and many
other contributors to the forums at find examples of code posted on
a daily basis that are vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks.
What is SQL Injection?
A successful SQL injection attack enables a malicious user to
execute commands in your application's database by using the privileges granted
to your application's login. The problem is more severe if your application
uses an over-privileged account to connect to the database. For example, if
your application's login has privileges to eliminate a database, then without
adequate safeguards, an attacker might be able to perform this operation.
vulnerabilities that make your data access code susceptible to SQL injection
attacks include:
§ Weak input validation.
§ Dynamic construction of SQL statements without
the use of type-safe parameters.
§ Use of over-privileged database logins.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string connect = "MyConnString";
string query = "Select Count(*) From Users Where Username = '" + UserName.Text + "' And Password = '" + Password.Text + "'";
int result = 0;
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connect))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
result = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
if (result > 0)
Literal1.Text = "Invalid credentials";
is a commonly found piece of code that runs as the result of a ButtonClick
event. It connects to the database and executes some SQL against a SQL Server
database that returns the number of rows where the username and password
combination supplied by the user matches a row in the database. If the result
is at least one matching row, the user is logged in. At runtime, the values
entered by the user are merged dynamically with the SQL string, to create a
valid SQL command which is then executed against the database:
values supplied above were "Admin" for the user name, and
"Let_Me_In" for the password. The image illustrates that the merging
of those values with the core SQL has worked rather nicely. You will only get
logged in if there is a matching row in the database. Simples. Now look at
was achieved simply by entering ' or '1' = '1 into
both the username textbox and the password textbox. If you study the SQL that
has resulted from concatenating those user values with the core SQL, you will
probably be able to see that it will always match at least one row. In fact, it
will match all rows, so the variable result will be > 0. Sometimes, coders don't
return a count. They return user's details so they can use them for allowing
further permissions or similar. This SQL will return the first row that
matches, which will be the first row in the table generally. Often, this is the
admin account that you set up when developing the site, and has all privileges.
is SQL Injection. Basically, additional SQL syntax has been injected into the
statement to change its behaviour. The single quotes are string delimiters as
far as T-SQL is concerned, and if you simply allow users to enter these without
managing them, you are asking for potential trouble. Quite often, I see well
meaning people advise beginners to "escape" the quotes, using a
string.Replace() method such as this:
var username = UserName.Text.Replace("'", "''");
var password = Password.Text.Replace("'", "''");
string query = "Select * From Users Where Username = '" + username + "' And Password = '" + password + "'";
indeed that will have the desired effect:
first OR clause will never be true. Job done. However, it does not protect
against all avenues of attack. Consider the very common scenario where you are
querying the database for an article, product or similar by ID. Typically, the
ID is stored as a number - most of them are autogenerated by the database. The
code will usually look like this:
string connect = "MyConnString";
string query = "Select * From Products Where ProductID = " + Request["ID"];
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connect))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
//Process results
in this case, the value for Request["ID"] could come from a posted
form, or a querystring value - perhaps from a hyperlink on a previous page.
It's easy for a malicious user to amend a querystring value. In the example
caught by the VS debugger below, I just put ;Drop Table Admin-- on the end of the querystring before
requesting the page:
result, again is a legitimate SQL statement that will be run against the
database. And the result will be that my Admin table will be deleted. You might
be wondering how a hacker will know the names of your tables. Chances are they
don't. But think about how you name your database objects. They are bound to be
commonsense names that reflect their purpose. It doesn't take long to guess.
And of course, if you are using ASP.NET Membership out-of-the-box, the
aspnetdb.mdf schema is available to anyone. But before you start changing all
your database table names to something really obscure, that is not the answer.
Dictionary attacks (where random strings are generated) are common. Finally, it
takes just one disgruntled person (a former colleague?) who knows the obscure
names you have used to undo all your effort.
far, the examples have shown attacks that will only really cause an
inconvenience. Someone might break into your Content Management System and
start defacing your site, or they might make parts of the database disappear.
No big deal - a database restore from a backup will put things right (you DO backup your database, don't you?). Or
they might help themselves to some free shipments, or discover secret
information that your client would prefer their competitors didn't know. Or it
could be a lot worse. Have a look at this
document, which describes a certain type of penetration test.
tests are tests designed to
identify security loopholes in applications, systems and networks. This
particular test makes use of the SQL
Server xp_cmdshell system stored
procedure. xp_cmdshell is extraordinarily powerful, and assuming that the user
has the right privileges, effectively gives them total control over the machine
that the SQL Server is on, as well as potentially others in the network. Now,
imagine being responsible for creating the loophole through which someone was
able to create an FTP site on your web server's network, and use it to store
material they would not like the police to know about. Or wiped the entire
server. Some people think they don't need to worry about this type of thing
because their application is intended only to run on a private Intranet. I have
however seen servers hosting this type of applciation being affected.
The Prevention
I'm sure that by now, you can see that the only sensible thing to do is to
prevent any possibility of your application being subject to successful SQL
Injection attacks. So now we will turn to preventing them. I have seen plenty
of advice like this:,
where the suggestion is to create a Black List if all T-SQL keywords and
punctuation, and screen user input for the presence of it. If it exists, throw
an error, or similar. It's not a good approach in my view. There are two
potential problems with this that I can see. The first is that there may be
legitimate reasons why users need to post values included in the blacklist. How
many users will become frustrated in their attempt to post a comment that
includes "At the end of the day..."? Most T-SQL keywords
are also in use in everyday language. What if they aren't alowed to submit an @
symbol? Or a semi-colon? The second problem is what happens if Microsoft makes
changes to the syntax of T-SQL? Do you go round all the applications you have
built over the years and rebuild your black list functions? You might think
that the chances of Microsoft making changes are so slim that you shouldn't
worry about this. However, until the middle of last year, neither "var"
nor "=>" would have done
anything in C# except generate a compiler error. You certainly won't get any
guarantees from Microsoft against making changes to T-SQL. The real way to
prevent SQL Injection attacks is the use of Parameter Queries.
Parameter Queries
in queries are placeholders for values that are supplied to a SQL query at
runtime, in very much the same way as parameters act as placeholders for values
supplied to a C# method at runtime. And, just as C# parameters ensure type
safety, SQL parameters do a similar thing. If you attempt to pass in a value
that cannot be implicitly converted to a numeric where the database field
expects one, exceptions are thrown. In a previous example where the ProductID
value was tampered with to append a SQL command to DROP a table, this will now
cause an error rather than get executed because the semicolon and text cannot
be converted to a number.
SqlCommand class represents a SQL query or stored procedure to be executed
against the database. It has a Parameters property which is a collection of
SqlParameter objects. For each parameter that appears in the SQL statement, you
need to add a Parameter object to the collection. This is probably simpler to
explain through code, so taking the ProductID example as a starting point,
here's how to rewrite the code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var connect = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthWind"].ToString();
var query = "Select * From Products Where ProductID = @ProductID";
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connect))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ProductID", SqlDbType.Int);
cmd.Parameters["@ProductID"].Value = Convert.ToInt32(Request["ProductID"]);
//Process results
connection string has been defined in the web.config file, and is obtained
using the System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager class which provides acces to items in
the web.config file. In this case, it retrieves the value of the item in the
connectionstrings area with the name "NorthWind". The SQL query is
declared with a parameter: @ProductID. All parameters are prefixed with the @
sign. The connection object is declared next, with the connection string passed
into the constructor. It's in a using block, which ensures that the connection
is closed and disposed of without have to explicitly type code to manage that.
The same is true of the SqlCommand object.
the parameter to the SqlCommand.Parameters collection is relatively
straightforward. there are two methods - the Add() method and the
AddWithValue() method. The first of these has a
number of overloads. I've used the Add(String,
SqlDbType) option and then
applied the value separately. It could be written all on one line like this:
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ProductID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(Request["ProductID"]);
I could use the AddWithValue(string,
object) option like this:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var connect = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthWind"].ToString();
var query = "Select * From Products Where ProductID = @ProductID";
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connect))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProductID", Convert.ToInt32(Request["ProductID"]);
//Process results
choice is up to you, but most professionals prefer to use one of the Add()
methods where the SQL data type (and length, where appropriate) is specified.
This reduces the chance of sub-optimal conversion causing performance issues on
the server. It also ensures that the value being passed is of the right type in
the application, rather than getting SQL Server to have to deal with it and
report back errors. Having said all that, most samples on this site use the
AddWithValue() option for readability.
ADO.NET parameterised queries are sent to SQL Server, they are executed via the
system stored procedure sp_executesql:
exec sp_executesql N'Select * From Products Where ProductID = @ProductID',N'@ProductID int',@ProductID=13
passes in the SQL statement, followed (in this case) by the data type, and
finally with the value that the parameter in the SQL statement must use. If the
value is a string, any SQL syntax it might contain is treated as part of the
literal string, and not as part of the SQL statement, and this is how SQL
injection is prevented.
If a
string is provided where a numeric is expected, the application will throw an
error. For this reason, you should be validating all input for type and range
before even attempting to pass it to a parameter.
is one other benefit to be had by using parameters, and that is one of
performance. When SQL Server is presented with a SQL statement, it first checks
its cache for an identical statement. If it finds one, it retrieves an
optimised execution plan which will ensure that the statement is executed as
efficiently as possible. If it cannot find an exact match, it goes through the
process of creating a plan to cache prior to using that plan to execute the
statement. You can see that the first part of the sp_executesql call contains the statement, and that it
will always be the same. All subsequent uses of it will use the cached
optimised plan. If this statement was dynamically generated using string
concatenation, and the ProductID varied each time, an execution plan would need
to be created and stored for every value of ProductID. "...WHERE ProductID
= 13" is not the same as "...WHERE ProductID = 96".
Stored Procedures
always interests me that whenever the subject of preventing SQL injection comes
up in the forums, at least one person contributes the assertion
that you must use stored procedures to make use of parameters. As I have
demonstrated above, this is not true. However, if you do use stored procedures
the code above can be used with just two amendments: you need to pass the name
of the stored procedure instead of the SQL statement, and you must set the
CommandType to CommandType.StoredProcedure. It's omitted at the moment because
the default is CommandType.Text. Here's the revised code for a stored procedure
which I shall call GetProductByID:
var connect = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthWind"].ToString();
var query = "GetProductByID";
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connect))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ProductID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(Request["ProductID"]);
//Process results
LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework, OleDb and ODBC
LINQ to SQL and the Entity Framework generate parameterised SQL commands
out-of-the-box, providing protection against SQL Injection with no additional
effort. This is indeed true of many other Object Relational Mappers (nHibernate
etc). If you are using MS Access, SQL injection is not such a problem, as
Access is very limited in what it allows. For example, you cannot batch
statements so the DROP Table example will not work. Nevertheless, the login
hack will work, so you should still use parameters. How other database systems
are affected varies, but it is always best to check their documentation.
Nevertheless, using parameterised queries where they are supported by the
database system is a sure-fire way to make your application SQL Injection
proof. You really have no excuse.
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